Enroll Today: The SEO MBA course on Executive Presence
Become a more confident and more effective SEO professional.
Hi, I’m Tom.
Over the last 15 years I’ve worn many hats - working in-house, at agencies and now as an independent consultant. In the last two years I’ve worked directly with the C-suite for large organizations, helping them structure and invest in SEO initiatives. In particular I’ve led hiring for senior level SEO talent.
Having access to the C-suite, I saw how SEO strategists could make a greater impact within their companies, at their agencies and in their own careers with improved business skills.
And thus the idea for the SEO MBA was born.
I then spent all of 2021 making this course, preparing the materials and running two full beta groups to ensure the course content was clear, useful and impactful.
Today the course is live. Enroll here:
“Most SEO learning focuses on the technical and the tactical. That's obviously required but yields SEOs that are very good at living in the weeds, but that's not what gets results in an organization. Tom's SEO MBA course is exactly what has been missing to take SEOs from channel masters to strategic marketers who can influence the course of a business.”
Mike King, Founder & Managing Director, iPullrank
The course is self-paced with over 5 hours of video, assignments, templates and resources. If you purchase at the Professional tier or Executive tier you also get access to the weekly zoom office hours. This offers live interaction and a chance to ask questions, meet peers and discuss real-life scenarios that you’re dealing with in your career.
"Tom is the top mind in the world of "SEO for business". Some courses might teach you how to fix 404s, but Tom will teach you how to actually get things done and create major change in enterprise organizations. His consulting services have been integral to the growth of my 110-person SEO-focused agency."
Ross Hudgens, Founder/CEO Siege Media
If you’re interested in multi-seat pricing just reply to this email and let’s chat.
"Tom Critchlow's SEO MBA course is one of the very few SEO courses that are worth 10x the cost. If you're interested in stepping out of the weeds to get buy-in with decision-makers at the executive level, this is a must-take course. Tom's vast experience, impactful examples, and data-driven lessons ensure your SEO career gets leveled up."
Greg Bernhardt, Senior SEO Strategist, Shopify
The full syllabus, course description, pricing and enrollment can all be found here on the landing page:
Thank you to everyone on the email list who has supported me along the way, it’s really helped me put this course together. It’s been a ton of work this year (maybe I’ll share the outtakes one day)!
I’d love it if you could share this with your networks and welcome your feedback.

Thank you,